25th National Children Science Congress held in Gujarat

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             The 25th edition of National Children Science Congress (NCSC-2017) was held Gandhinagar, Gujarat from 27 to 31 December, 2017.It was inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani in Ahmedabad.

             The theme of the five-day Congress this was ‘Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development’ with the special focus on persons with disabilities.

Key Facts

            The NCSC is ideal and innovative programme for children to inspire, empower and expand their minds to world.It is a flagship programme of department of Science & Technology, Union Ministry of Science and Technology,Union Ministry of Science and Technology. This year 50 children and teachers from Asian nations had participated in the event. Apart from science exhibition, the event also witnessed various activities such as presentations by child scientists, hands-on demonstrations, poster session and cultural programmes.


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